The Little Grooming House operates a 24 hour cancelation policy. I agree that if I need to change an appointment I will notify The Little Grooming House no less than 24 hours before the booked appointment. If insufficient notice is given, I agree to pay 50% of the estimated grooming charges. If appointments are missed on a regular basis, pre-payment will be required or services may be refused. 

Appointments booked for more than 2 dogs at a time will require a deposit of 50% to secure the booking. This is because such a large appointment slot can cause large losses if appointments are missed. I understand that this deposit is non refundable should I miss my appointment or cancel less than 24 hours before the appointment. 


If you arrive more than 15 minutes late to your appointment I may not be able to accommodate you and you will be subject to a cancellation fee.  

At The Little Grooming House I try my best to ensure a one in one out policy. If you are late collecting your dog you will be subject to a charge of £5 per 15 minutes.

Health & Medical Issues

Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. Please ensure that you make me aware of any medical conditions prior to your appointment. All medical expenses for veterinary care will be covered by the pet's owner upon signing the agreement. If your dog suffers from any skin conditions which require a specific shampoo treatment, this must be provided by the owner.  I only use high quality, hypoallergenic products when grooming therefore preventing the risk of any negative skin reactions.


Although accidents are very rare, there is a risk when dealing with animals.  Grooming equipment is sharp, and although I use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quicking of nails, etc. In most cases this can happen when an animal is wiggling or moving around.  Your pet’s safety and comfort is my number one priority. In the event an accident does occur, you will be notified immediately. The Little Grooming House is covered by insurance from AXA.
The Little Grooming House will not be responsible for the accidental death of a dog as a result of an underlying medical condition. Should The Little Grooming House determine, at it's sole discretion, that urgent veterinary care is required, I agree to pay all associated fees and costs. If my pet's vet is not available, I authorise The Little Grooming House to use their chosen vet.


Animals with severely matted coats require extra attention. Mats in an animal’s coat grow tight, and can ultimately damage and tear the animal's skin, which provides a breeding ground for parasite infestations. The Little Grooming House will not cause serious or undue stress to your pet by dematting. Mats can be very difficult to remove, and may require the pet to be shaved. Removing a heavily matted coat can cause nicks, cuts or abrasions due to skin growths trapped in the mats. Heavy matting can also trap moisture and urine near the pet's skin allowing mould, fungus or bacteria to grow, producing skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process. The Little Grooming House is not responsible for after-effects of mat removal which can include but not limited to itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions and failure of the hair to regrow. In some cases, pets may also exhibit brief behavioural changes. Prevention is the best defence by scheduling regular grooming appointments every 4-6 weeks. 

If your pet needs to be shaved to remove matting, by signing the form you acknowledge that you agree to this procedure, and any risk. There will be an additional charge for this process: it is time consuming, and causes extra wear and tear on grooming equipment.

Grooming Aids

I understand that The Little Grooming House uses a number of grooming aids to keep my dog safe. These include the use of a safety neck strap, waist support, and muzzles where necessary. 
Muzzling does not harm your pet and protects both the pet and the groomer. In some cases, muzzling may even calm a stressed animal, allowing the grooming process to continue. If your pet still acts in a way that is dangerous, The Little Grooming House has the right to stop grooming services at any time and a service fee will be collected. I do not muzzle unless your pet gives us a reason to. Other methods are used to calm your pet, muzzling is a last resort.

All Restraints are ethical and are used to keep your dog and staff safe.

Fleas & Ticks

The Little Grooming House also reserves the right to refuse to groom a pet in an unsatisfactory state, including, but not limited to fleas, ticks, other parasites or kennel cough. 

I understand that The Little Grooming House is a flea-free salon and should I arrive for my appointment and my dog is found to have fleas, The Little Grooming House will refuse services and charge a cancellation fee of up to 50%. 
Whilst every effort is made to ensure dogs do not enter the salon with fleas, occasionally they can be missed. 

I understand that should The Little Grooming House find my dog to have fleas during the grooming process my dog will be given a flea bath at my expense of £15 inc VAT. This fee covers the cost of the treatment as Ill as fumigation of the salon afterwards. 

Please keep up to date with preventative treatment. 

The Little Grooming House does not accept responsibility of fleas found on dogs after their appointment. 
Ticks will be removed free of charge and you will be notified if any are found. 


I agree that I have truthfully informed The Little Grooming House if my pet has ever bitten another animal or a human, or if they have any other aggressive tendencies. I agree and understand that I will be held solely responsible for any injury, harm or damage to property caused by my pet. 

The Little Grooming House has the right to refuse any services at any time. 

In the event that your pet is too stressed or becomes dangerous to groom, I have the right to refuse, stop, or cancel grooming services at any time before, during, or after grooming and you will be charged a grooming fee (for what was done up until that point).

Your satisfaction is important to The Little Grooming House.

If you are unhappy for any reason, and would like something adjusted, I will be happy to make any style adjustments up to 5 days after your appointment, this does not include a bath and blow-dry. 

I understand that after this time my dog will require a new appointment and I will be charged a grooming fee of some kind.


The Little Grooming House may take photographs or videos of your dog for client file and for company website and social media. 

All photos taken are the property of The Little Grooming House.
